The Mysterious Affairs at Styles (Hercule Poirot #1) – Agatha Christie

This is my first introduction to Agatha Christie. Having never read her before, I was interested in starting her with the Poirot series which includes her famous detective, Hercule Poirot.

The story is a cleverly written murder mystery with interesting twists and turns, all the time not giving away the real culprit. I had my hunch of the criminal and motive, and though they prove correct at the end, time to time doubt entered my mind as to whether I figured it right. 🙂

The character set was mostly nice and likable. The eccentric Poirot (it seems all detectives are rather eccentric people; Sherlock Holmes comes to my mind!) and his friend and narrator, Mr. Hastings provided contrasting points of view on the case keeping the reader in curious wonder as to how things will turn out.

I was very much impressed by Poirot’s methods of solving the mystery. It is both genius and humane. His enthusiasm for truth and justice never makes him inconsiderate of human feelings. I truly liked this characteristic of Poirot.

It was a very interesting first read and a great start-up to step into the world of Agatha Christie, though a little late in my reading life.

Rating: 4/5

About the author

Piyangie Jay Ediriwickrema is an Attorney-at-Law by profession. Her devotion to literature has taken shape in reading and reviewing books of various genres set in different periods of time. She dabs at a little poetry and fiction of her own and hopes to share her work with the readers in the future.

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