Do you see these tears,
Running down my cheeks
Like glittering crystals?
What would you call it?
An expression of a mood or a moment?
Do you wonder?
Are they happy or sad?
Can you say, with a cursory glance?
Without probing into a broken heart
Where unhealed wounds
Still bleed and hurt?
Where a soul,
Wounded by so many blades,
Looking for balm
On a healing plane?
Come! Look deeper into my eyes
See what’s inside my soul
Judge not with superficial eyes,
But with a kind loving heart
And see the unhealed wounds that
Threatens the sanity of a broken soul
And be not the judge,
But a lender of a hand,
Like a knight in old chivalrous days,
To the broken soul
Who valiantly searches for the lost happiness.
© Piyangie Jay Ediriwickrema.