The story of The Secret Garden is an inspirational one for the children. It tells you how two disagreeable children become lovable, pleasant, and healthy. How does this happen? By the magic of course! – The magic of the garden, the magic of nature. We all know the healing power of nature. It is the best medicine for all our ailments. It soothes and cures our soul, and through the soul, the body, the way it did for Mary “quite contrary” and Colin the “invalid”.
The story is well written that I could picture almost all the characters – Mary, Colin, Dickon (oh I loved him) Mrs. Sowerby, and Captain, Soot, Nut and Shell, and all the troupe of Dickon. And the best and the biggest and the most important character is the secret garden itself. I really enjoyed the author’s descriptive accounts of the garden and the Yorkshire moorland. It was so refreshing. I could almost swear that I breathed the same fresh air which Mary, Colin, and Dickon breathed, all through the read.
This is the second book I’ve read of Burnett, the first being A Little Princess, which was a childhood favorite of mine. I really like the way she tells her stories. It is bewitching. I didn’t really think I would enjoy a children’s story this much in my mature years, but it was impossible not to enjoy it. Her writing is so good. She is one of the best children’s story writers. There is not an atom of doubt there.
Rating: 4/5